Thursday, December 2, 2010

Life's Greatest Lessons: Chapter9- EMPATHY

Empathy is the capacity to share the sadness or happiness of another sentient being through consciousness rather than physically. Empathy develops the ability to have compassion towards other beings.

Each chapter in our life is intertwined with a lesson of significance, something that, though it may not make sense at the time, will regardless play an important role in our lives, as you will only truly see for what it is at the end of life when you are left to reflect on your personal successes; spiritually, emotionally, and physically and piece together why things happened the way these did throughout your journey.

Each experience, each thick chunck of our personal biography, is part of a greater whole.
That whole, being our evolved state of being at the end of the road when our spirit is free of form, floating in a sea of memories.

As the end of my 9 year cycle passes and the beginning of a fresh new chapter starts (its in the stars), I am left to reflect on what all I have experienced and witnessed in this past 9 year cycle. Ages 15-24...that is a lot to reflect on...but, even without digging up the treasure chests of secrets hidden in my mind, I am able to positively say that one of my greatest lessons in this time has been empathy.

For one reason or another, I was meant to truly embody the most raw, gritty, empathetic state of human emotion possible. This has been a very interesting lesson for me, because I grew up very un-emotional. I did not often cry, unless I wasn't getting my way, I often laughed for no reason at funerals, sad movies bored me, and I didn't ever want to be bogged down with the hassles of being in love. I was a "tough- girl"....Now, I have been forced into the experience of being the "emotionally raw girl". I have felt pain that I was unaware I could feel, I have been saddened beyond belief over other people's pain and misfortune, and I have basically been stripped down of any emotional walls and left to hang naked and exposed in the sun.

Most interesting is that this state, these emotions, these tears that have uncontrollably melted out of my heart and down my face are most often shed, not for myself and my own life, but for other people. Empathy overwhelms my body and I literally feel the pain they are in... I see a person in a car accident and I feel their pain and I cry without thought, and I ask the gods to disperse just a little bit of their pain unto me and everyone else in the world in order to lessen the burden of their misery. I feel it and it causes physical pains projected on my own body and mind.

I watch Fahrenheit 911 and I feel the pain of the mother of fallen soldiers, I feel the cries of the soldier who's arm just got blown off and is dangling by a bloody tendon, and the cries of the mentally distraught, and it makes me cry.

This lesson on empathy goes even deeeper... I feel the presence of spirits/ghosts and I can feel their residual energetic imprint. I even feel for those who have passed on for cryin out loud! Each time someone I know passes, I always see them and speak with them in my dreams. I always acknowledge that they are dead and ask questions about the after-life and I get to hear their insights on what it's like to be dead and what they still feel in that state. Then they leave me with a piece of advice or like my Uncle Mike, they ask me to look over their loved ones. After that I usually don't see them again....just feel them.

I feel as though I have been bathing in empathy in order to truly learn the human experience in every capacity, even in death. I am suppose to embody various emotional experiences of others so that I can stay connected to the human race and help them in some way at some point..or perhaps all along... Perhaps I will eventually be the leader or politician that changes the world and being able to empathize with all people will be my greatest tool in staying grounded, motivated, and able to be a change-maker, life-saver, consciousness-raiser gift to humanity.

Whatever the rhyme or the reason, I am right on track universe!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Curious Things

My head is not in the clouds, the clouds are in my head.

And in this head of mine, I am constantly contemplating the multi-faceted layers of the universe, of our Earth, and of the little people-creatures that crawl around inhabiting this earth, leaving their trails of cosmic smog behind....

The way we humans scurry around the Earth and the way we interact with one another and impose rules and regulations upon ourselves, this is all very fascinating to dissect and attempt to comprehend.

Why is death not free?
In fact, why does it cost thousands of dollars to simply put a body back into the earth where it came from? This body once served a lively purpose and now it is empty and serves the purpose of feeding nutrients back into the earth. The body is paying the Earth but, people want their payment too. They think they deserve to be payed each time a person leaves their human shell behind. People want to profit on every single thing imaginable which brings me to my next point...

Why do the people-creatures think that they own everything?
These creatures, that think they are the most spectacular things ever created, truly believe that they own the rights to everything on earth. For real, EV-E-RY-THIN-GGGG....

They find a furry type of creature minding it's own business roaming freely, and the people-creatures take these furry creatures, bring them to their homes, put chains around their necks, and claim ownership over their lives until the day the furry creatures die. The furry creatures have no say in this matter but, the people now dictate when this furry creature will go outside, eat, drink, sleep, and even crap, everyday for the rest of their lives....

Then these people-creatures take the pure land of Mother Earth, this free and beautiful and graciously open land that is intended to be shared by all creatures, and they divide it up into sections and they get to decide who owns what piece of the earth. They decide what beach, river, lake, and land mass is private and which is public, but even the "public" land isn't really public considering, you can not just set up camp and sleep on any public land, only the public land that is dedicated to that sort of thing and even then there are still restrictions on what you can do there, how long you stay, and how much you have to PAY to stay there...yes yes this public land is not so public. the private land is not so public. This piece of earth belongs to this country and this piece belongs to that country....the most amusing part of all this is the truth that really, the earth owns the people.

And then there are things that are completely stolen from nature without permission and sold for profit as if the sellers even owned them to begin with! For example, flowers are picked straight from the ground, their roots clinging on to the cold earth for dear life, are brutishly stripped out of the ground, wrapped in cellophane, and sold for profit....Then we have trees, the most beautiful and magnificent of all of nature's plant kingdom, solemly standing higher than we can count, with a waist wider than a house at times. These plant creatures are truly majestic! Yet, they fall prey to the people-creatures who claim ownership over the trees that have been around for hundreds of years. Yet, regardless of their age and wisdom and all that they have seen and all those years they stood firmly in the earth providing creatures with shade, fruit, syrup, leaves for eating and nooks for napping, regardless of all of this, the people somehow think they own the trees. With this ownership comes the right to chop them dead and turn them into extremely unnecessary lavish resorts and homes and toothpicks and paper and whatever the hell else people want to use them for....But these trees stand tall and take it, without a fuss or a fight, not because the trees are weak and scared, but because the trees know that they must serve as a lesson for the people-creatures, ironically enough the lesson will only be learnt by the last person on earth...

I am also curious to know,
How do people-creatures decide what natural resources from the earth are acceptable and which are not?
Well, most natural things are good, great, useful even, they all serve some sort of purpose. Mother Earth knew what she was doing when she allowed these plants and fruit and flowers to grow, yet the people think that they know what is best. They then proceed to create a manmade replica of something that is said to benefit you the same way that the natural counterpart can benefit you, except that it is manmade and it usually turns out being harmful to the people bodies in the long run. But, somehow it becomes acceptable to take some strange powdery white pills that are packed with a plethora of chemical that we don't even know how to pronounce, opposed to taking the natural alternative, the simple pure right there growing in front of your face "alternative"....the natural one came first, so shouldn't the after-market manmade one be the alternative and not the other way around.

And why do these people-creatures take one crop, like tobacco, and mix unknown chemicals with it before proceeding to make it the #1 legal addiction, yet they claim tobacco's much sexier and healthier 2nd cousin, marijuana, is illegal and worth punishing people who choose it over tobacco.

And then we get to one of the most fascinating observations of people...
How can one people-creature tell another people-creature how they must love??
This emotion of LOVE can not be taught, it can not be crafted in a controlled environment like a lab experiment, and of all things, it can not be forced. Love is the only thing that truly flows naturally, without explanation, without warning, without any notice from the cosmic realm. And considering how fascinating and bizarre these people-creatures are, it does not suprise me one bit that Love comes in the most interesting packages....

Sometimes different shades of people-creatures fall in love, and though for a long time this was not acceptable according to the mass of these people, now it is okay to most.

Sometimes people-creatures of the same "gender" fall in love, but thats only okay on 0.01% of the earth. The other 99.99% says that that type of love is not okay, only their preference in love is okay, not the other people-creatures.

But, how do they come to this conclusion? If over 50% of the people-creatures decide that it is okay to love the same gender, then will that make heterosexual love the new non-acceptable type of love?

I guess there are many curious things on this Earth, people-creatures being the most curious of all...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Pack Leader Pt.2

Sundara likes to watch The Bachelor
mozart like to sleep on me like a wee baby

Have a nice Day!